To correct the wrongly taught and believed word of God and to equally teach the family the pure word of truth , thus making each Christian emerge and manifest as a star winner in life.
To reach the unreached, touch the untouched, save the unsaved and help the needy with the good news message of God and the performance of good works thereby fulfilling the Christ’s desire of globalization of the gospel and the restoration of all things.
To birth and multiply on the earth the Angels of God as it is in heaven (Earth Angels).
To lead a revolutionary movement with a difference and uniqueness according to the unchanged and established doctrines of Christ been laid down.
To raise rich, righteous and prosperous servant leaders to build and develop AFRICA together by singleness of heart and selfless inputs.
To practically revamp the economy of the nations through intensive business investments and productions in Nigeria and throughout Africa.
To sanitize both the human minds and the environment from every form of immorality, indecency, corruption and idolatry, thereby restoring the edenic order of God on the earth.
To prepare a people perfected and ready to meet their creator in holiness and purity.
To make all nations, people, races and languages know that the most High God now rules in the Affairs of Humanity and He is now in control of his Creation as His possession.
To make all people know that the government of peace is only achievable in Christ and can be sustained by Christ alone.
To bring out and to install the new set of heavenly chosen leaders into their places and positions of authority both in Christ and in the earth.